Sunday, April 5, 2009

Simple, Effective Attacks by Dimitri

Hey my name's Dimitri and heres how to perform some life-saving defense moves, inspired by the video games I play and some I made up completely by myself.

Dimitri Attack - Make your hand of choice into a fist, raise it above your head and swing it down onto your opponent.

Super Tornado Attack - Spread arms out as far as you can, and spin anti-clockwise.

Reverse Super Tornado Attack - Same as Super Tornado Attack, but spin clockwise.

Nothing Attack - The easiest attack of them all, although it is not quite effective. If someone, for example, pushes you into a garden, or if all your friends gang up on you and take turns to push you, just stand there and do nothing. Oh and another example is if Trent throws something he made in woodwork at you [video coming soon].

Phone Attack - Got their phone number? Call them, wait for them to answer, but don't say anything. It costs as much as a normal call, but it's twice the fun! They get soo pissed off, coz they're all like, "Hello? Hello!". I did it to Brad but he didn't hang up so I hung up.

Sunglasses Attack - Go out and buy a pair of cheap, made-in-china plastic "Oakley's" and put them in your bag. After school, for the 10-minute walk home, put them on so people driving past will think you are cool but your friends at school will get so scared because you will look threatening.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Oh yes

I want to contribute. I have a Dimitri quote of the day.


Well actually I can't think of one i'll get back to you on that.

It's 5:00pm on Sunday afternoon and I have a tonne of homework due in tomorrow. But you wouldn't want to know about that? Here it is anyway;
For maths, I have a bunch of questions to do out of the text book, an assignment sheet and another homework sheet I received about 4 weeks ago. For english I had to write a book review on a fiction book of my choice. I chose 'Hitler's Daughter' but i'm regretting that now. Anyway I quickly typed most of that this morning. For DIG I have that assignmnent that was due last Friday ah yes I just remembered I haven't finished that either. -censored-! I was meant to give you those photos of that memorial! I was going to bluetooth them to you at your house but I suppose i'll email them to ya.

Argh I write too much.

Good King Wenceslas's Report

Gah it's been a horrible week/6 days.

I have my internet slowed down since I wen't over the download limit. 
Also please refer to the linked post for the reason for my absence over the past couple of days and the absence that is yet to come.

And oh yes thankyou Barry for your kind wishes in this post
Although I must apologize it will be incredibly difficult to find you a snow globe seeing as it has never snowed over there, nor will it ever since the country in question is sitting on the equator.

I'm having second thoughts about buying anyone anything. I always forget to buy souvenirs for everyone so I leave it till the last minute when I'm about to board the flight that goes back home and I end up buying from a ridiculously expensive airport souvenir store (almost as ridiculously expensive as the art shop we visited on that horrendous excursion to *shudder* Kiama!) then I can only afford like 5 keyrings at $5 each. So then I come home and hand out these keyrings and whoever didn't get one has a whinge.

So yeah I suppose I could maybe save you the receipts from the airport tax or the stickers that they stick on your luggage I don't know.

Remember Mr Lambert? He wanted something from the Philippines but we were stopping over in Singapore so I got him a crappy little thing from the $2 shop over there. I'll describe the thing to you.

Have you been to the markets? There's always someone there that sells those glass cubes about the size of the palm of your hand, and inside the glass cube they engrave like an animal or something. it was that.